What We're Reading


Advancing Institutional Change to Encourage Faculty Participation in Research-Practice Partnerships

Adam Gamoran
University faculty have the talent, creativity, and training to tackle the serious challenges confronting our education system today, but the incentive structure in universities is often at odds with real-world contributions. What tensions are experienced by faculty who may be interested in partnership-oriented, engaged scholarship? How can these tensions be addressed? This chapter explores the


Assessing the Quality of Education Research Through Its Relevance to Practice: An Integrative Review of Research-Practice Partnerships

Richard O. Welsh
In this chapter, Welsh interrogates the notion that RPPs offer an insightful framework to consider how the quality of research can be measured through its use. The findings suggest that using RPPs to assess the quality of education research enhances the relevance to policy and practice as well as attention to the quality of reporting,


Scan of Promising Efforts to Broaden Faculty Reward Systems to Support Societally-Impactful Research

Emily J. Ozer, Jennifer Renick, Bruce Jentleson, Bemmy Maharramli
In this scan, prepared for the Transforming Evidence Funders Network, the authors provide an overview of promising attempts to reform and/or strengthen promotion and tenure systems to reward the societal impact of research. For this project, societally-impactful research is defined broadly to encompass research, analysis, writing, and related activities that advance knowledge with an explicit

For Funders | What We're Reading

How can funders promote the use of research? Three converging views on relational research

Vivian Tseng, Angela Bednarek, Kristy Faccer
Although funders are generally acknowledged as important actors in the evidence ecosystem, there has been insufficient analysis of the how and why behind funders’ decisions. This article examines the decision-making of three funders in their support of relational approaches to improve the usefulness and use of research evidence. They compare their work across the disparate

Princeton - Brookings | What We're Reading

The Future of Children: Research-Practice Partnerships to Strengthen Early Education

The new issue of The Future of Children “is centered on major challenges or opportunities involving RPPs, such as creating a research or funding agenda, developing tools, taking innovation to scale, navigating conflicting timelines, finding a balance between rigor and feasibility, and building capacity.”

AYPF | What We're Reading

Internal Research Capacity Within an SEA: A Learning Journey to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Rebecca Lavinson
Seeking to learn more what effective inter-agency collaboration looks like in practice, the American Youth Policy Forum, the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships, and Results for America recently assembled a contingent of state education agency staff, researchers, and intermediaries to embed with the Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education for a day-long “learning journey.” This post chronicles lessons gleaned from that day, including best practices, recommendations, and process details drawn from real-life experiences.

Environmental Science & Policy | What We're Reading

Evaluating the impacts of boundary-spanning activities at the interface of environmental science and policy: A review of progress and future research needs

Stephen M. Posner and Christopher Cvitanovic
This paper makes the case for systematically evaluating the impact of boundary-spanning activities, which can facilitate knowledge exchange and connect science and policy.

What We're Reading

Forming and sustaining a research-practice partnership: Lessons from our experience at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Lauren Supplee, Charisse Johnson, Seth Chamberlain, and Samantha Illangasekare
Many research-practice partnerships (RPP) begin when two initially unaffiliated partner organizations decide to pursue collaborative work. Having formed a partnership between our respective offices within a federal agency, our experience is a bit different.

NBC News | What We're Reading

In Texas, this Latina’s research is helping close the education gap

Ruth Lopez Turley's data showed that full-day pre-K had a more positive impact on school readiness, part of the work at the Houston Education Research Consortium.

Education Week | What We're Reading

Measuring the Impact of Research-Practice Partnerships in Education

Caitlin Farrell and Paula Arce-Trigatti
At the National Center for Research in Policy & Practice, Caitlin Farrell and colleagues have studied research-practice partnerships and thought about the different questions that emerge when trying to understand the impact of RPPs. Here she and the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships' Paula Arce-Trigatti discuss insights from that work.

What We're Reading

Five Ways RPPs Can Fail and How to Avoid Them: Applying Conceptual Frameworks to Improve RPPs

Laura Booker, Carrie Conaway, and Nate Schwartz
When well executed, research-practice partnerships can be powerful mechanisms for producing relevant and useful knowledge and facilitating its integration into policy and practice to improve youth outcomes. But without taking intentional steps to avoid common hurdles, it’s likely that many partnerships will fail to fulfill this potential. In this paper, three state education agency leaders experienced in navigating the challenging world of research-practice partnerships, offer examples of potential obstacles facing RPPs and provide practical strategies for overcoming them.

What We're Reading

Working Together to Enhance the Use of Research in Policy and Practice

Vivian Tseng and Angela Bednarek
A growing movement around the world is uniting researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in collaborative efforts to develop and use research to tackle the most pressing social and environmental problems of our day. What’s different about these efforts is that the research studies are a product of the collaborations, not the other way around.