What is the funding case for research-practice partnerships?

RPPs attract funders who are interested in supporting the use of research evidence in practice and policy. While individuals who are involved in partnerships understand the value of their work, obtaining support for RPPs requires making the case to funders who may not have the same level of familiarity.

Chris Tebben, former executive director of Grantmakers for Education, suggests that, in general, funders seek investments that can make a difference, and partners should consider ways to address this interest. “The more that RPPs can point to specific ways policies or practices changed as a result of a partnership, the more they can make the case to invest not just in projects, but in the core activities of the partnership itself,” says Tebben. As more funders are drawn to research-informed efforts, a compelling case for funding should articulate how partnership activities beyond the research itself yield better products and inform agency decisions.

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Funding Partnership Work