How do you approach internal communication between partners?

Routine internal communication processes keep the partnership running smoothly. Partnerships often have agreements about the frequency and nature of internal communications, and clear points of contact for sharing information back and forth. Such clarity requires ongoing effort: partnerships must manage changes in staff, inefficiencies in communicating up and down the chain of command, and differences in institutional cultures.

Communicating well within a partnership may mean conveying information to multiple groups that vary by role, power, proximity to the lead agency or central office, relationship to the current research agenda, and communication habits and preferences. Consider the diverse needs of all of your internal audiences and tailor your approach to fit. Communication can be carried out in different ways for different purposes, including memos, emails, progress reports, annual meetings, presentations, and summaries of findings. Whatever the medium, internal communications should always be delivered in clear, actionable language, with sensitivity to both political and administrative implications.

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